Derivco – Musawenkhosi ECD Centre painting

A very big thanks to the team from Derivco who decided that instead of going quad-biking for their teambuild they wanted to do something of value for the community.

Last year we had a number of big storms lash the Durban area and one of the places affected was a little Early Childhood development in Inanda where two of its walls collapsed.  The school teachers contacted We are Durban earlier this year to find out if we could help in any way. With the help of various volunteers we have done a complete makeover of the building.  An upgraded facility has been completed, thanks to Derivco who painted the building a sunny yellow.

Musawenkhosi facilitates the education and care of 46 children from the community under the age of 6.  The children’s parents pay R100/m for their little ones to be there from 6am -4pm.  Previously the building leaked like a sieve as it was a really old wattle and daub building.  Thanks to people in Durban who gave of their time and talents, these children have a lovely, safe environment to be nurtured in.

A big THANK YOU to the team from Derivco for the effort you put in.